Not trying to be like Jesus

All religions are in one way or another trying to BE LIKE Jesus. For instance, most religions believe that Jesus was a Good man and teacher who fulfilled the Law, and because so they believe that they have to uphold it to the best of their ability by trying to copy him as a good person. Religion also believes that they should enforce the Law and condemn people who don’t follow it, or try. Now as mentioned earlier, religions are trying to be like Jesus. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh, so in actuality religion is trying to BE LIKE God. Now to try and be like God is not a bad thing, but what did satan tell Eve and Adam? That they could be LIKE GOD by what they do. So religion is inspired by satan to push people to try and BE LIKE God by their works. This produces self righteousness and sin in people’s lives. This is why Jesus told the pharisees that they were of their father the devil. The only way you can truly be like God is to have him live in you by his Holy Spirit that enters you upon acceptance of Jesus finished work. I’m not trying to be like Jesus, I’m already like him because of his doing, not my works. Let him who has a ear hear what the Spirit is saying. My Son is not like me because of what he did for me, or tried to be like me. He’s like me because he was born from me. It’s the same with us and God.

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