If it condemns humanity, then it’s not from God.

If it condemns mankind, then it’s not from God. For those of you who are familiar with the sharia Law. If you notice, it’s designed to appear as if it wants to stop evil. But the reality of it is this, it’s design to condemn a person to death, or severe punishment for breaking religious laws. Such as drinking, smoking, not praying, etc. Just like Jesus said about the self righteous pharisees. The people who enforce the very punishment for these acts are guilty themselves of breaking them. This is truly the behavior of of a hypocrite. These things that they are trying to get people to stop doing are things that are detrimental to a person, but a person has a free will to do whatever they want. God never told us to go and condemn (without condoning these things) people, but rather love them and share the good news. The scriptures are clear what strengthens sin in people’s lives, and it’s not Grace, but Law (1Cor15:56). Remember church, we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. And the sharia Law is definitely his device. Any system of rules set in place for man to break for him to be punished is from satan. I’m not talking about the Laws put in place to govern the society that we live in to keep people safe from evil people. I’m talking about Laws such as religious ones, even laws from gangs are designed to punish you for the littlest thing. The enemy hates humanity, not Just Christians but even the very people who are deceived by him. God loves us and has done everything in his power to free us and to have relationship with him through Jesus Christ.

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